fabisearch - Change Point Detection in High-Dimensional Time Series Networks
Implementation of the Factorized Binary Search
(FaBiSearch) methodology for the estimation of the number and
the location of multiple change points in the network (or
clustering) structure of multivariate high-dimensional time
series. The method is motivated by the detection of change
points in functional connectivity networks for functional
magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data. FaBiSearch uses
non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), an unsupervised
dimension reduction technique, and a new binary search
algorithm to identify multiple change points. It requires
minimal assumptions. Lastly, we provide interactive,
3-dimensional, brain-specific network visualization capability
in a flexible, stand-alone function. This function can be
conveniently used with any node coordinate atlas, and nodes can
be color coded according to community membership, if
applicable. The output is an elegantly displayed network laid
over a cortical surface, which can be rotated in the
3-dimensional space. The main routines of the package are
detect.cps(), for multiple change point detection, est.net(),
for estimating a network between stationary multivariate time
series, net.3dplot(), for plotting the estimated functional
connectivity networks, and opt.rank(), for finding the optimal
rank in NMF for a given data set. The functions have been
extensively tested on simulated multivariate high-dimensional
time series data and fMRI data. For details on the FaBiSearch
methodology, please see Ondrus et al. (2021)
<arXiv:2103.06347>. For a more detailed explanation and applied
examples of the fabisearch package, please see Ondrus and
Cribben (2022), preprint.